Mindfulness by Design

Mindfulness by Design

Maja and I spent nearly a month in the enchanting town of San Miguel de Allende. Our time there was filled with remarkable experiences that will remain etched in our memories, and we'll carry the lessons we learned with us wherever we go. During our final walk, Maja shared an unexpected observation that had gone unnoticed until then. Let's delve into how subtle frictions can make our days and lives a bit smoother. Serendipitous design choices leading to unforeseen advantages.

The Impact of Altitude on the Human Body

High in the mountains, the altitude can have a profound effect on the human body, forcing us to adapt to the thin air and challenging terrain. This experience can be uncomfortable, but it can also lead to heightened mindfulness and presence in our surroundings. The physiological effects of altitude, such as increased heart rate and deeper breathing, can encourage a more focused and present state of mind. Similarly, the design of the quaint town of San Miguel creates unexpected little frictions that promote mindfulness and relaxation among its residents and visitors.

Sidewalks and Paved Cobblestone

In San Miguel, the sidewalks and cobblestone streets are designed in such a way that they force you to walk carefully and intentionally. The narrow pathways, which rise and fall with every meter or two, have a rhythmic, soothing quality that demands attention. As a result, passersby must be empathetic and cautious when crossing paths with others, fostering a sense of shared awareness and presence. Research has shown that walking on uneven surfaces can enhance mindfulness, as the physical challenge requires greater focus and coordination.

Unexpected Little Frictions Which Make You More Relaxed

Levelation Differences in Public Spaces

This design element extends beyond the streets of San Miguel. Restaurants, libraries, and other public spaces follow a similar pattern of levelation differences, with entrances requiring visitors to climb a few stairs before descending into a more private, intimate area. This transition marks the end of the open public space and the beginning of a more secluded, personal experience. The psychological impact of these levelation differences has been demonstrated in studies that highlight the benefits of clearly demarcated spaces for promoting mindfulness and well-being.

Impact of Micro-Levelations and Rhythmic Ascending Benefits

These unique design features have a number of benefits for the residents and visitors of San Miguel. The necessity for coordination between mind and body means that distractions, such as scrolling through social media, are discouraged while walking or entering a café. Additionally, the physical challenge of navigating the town's terrain naturally slows people down, allowing them to enjoy the moment and more closely observe their surroundings.

While some may argue that the design features of San Miguel are inconvenient or challenging, it is precisely these challenges that make the town unique and beneficial for mindfulness. The combination of uneven surfaces and levelation differences in public spaces encourages a more focused and present state of mind, resulting in a deeper connection to the environment and other people.

Living as It Is Supposed to Be

The art, colors, and architecture of San Miguel create a unique ambiance that captivates the senses. The unexpected design elements, such as the rhythmic cobblestone streets and levelation differences in public spaces, truly set this town apart. By promoting mindfulness and presence, San Miguel offers an environment that allows residents and visitors to embrace a way of life that feels natural and more fulfilling.

The broader implications of these design principles suggest that other cities and towns might benefit from incorporating similar elements to foster mindfulness and well-being among their residents. As the world becomes increasingly fast-paced and technology-driven, the intentional design of spaces that encourage connection, presence, and relaxation is more important than ever. San Miguel serves as a shining example of the potential impact that mindful design can have on our daily lives.